I made this special mutton leg roast recipe that is filled with tender, juicy, finger-licking taste to enjoy with your family and add cheer to your festive...
Lamb shoulder is a very forgiving cut that's ideal for braising in a slow cooker. Here, it's amped up with Middle Eastern ingredients including dried lime...
A delicious Moroccan-inspired rack of lamb. I created this for my anniversary, and it was divine. Serve with honey-glazed carrots and rosemary mashed potatoes....
This is a rack of lamb dish with rosemary and mint demi-glace. Serve with oven roasted red potatoes and sauteed green beans amandine. Perfect for Valentine's...
A delicious Moroccan-inspired rack of lamb. I created this for my anniversary, and it was divine. Serve with honey-glazed carrots and rosemary mashed potatoes....
After searching everywhere for a recipe to recreate this amazing dish I tried at a Middle Eastern restaurant. I decided to try and make this myself. Though...
Using vinaigrette as a sauce for grilled meats is one of my favorite 'cheats' of all time. They take minutes to whisk together, there's absolutely no culinary...
Here's a meal elegant enough for any special occasion -- but don't wait for one to try it. Yukon Golds are the best spuds to use because they hold their...
I call this Dale's Lamb because my late mother-in-law, Dale, gave me this recipe. Everyone who's ever tried this likes it, even my mom, who didn't care...
This recipe makes a fantastic holiday meal, but everyone likes it so much that you won't wait for a holiday to make it again. Impressive as it looks and...
Comfort food from my youth. Sunday breakfast at its best. Guaranteed to change your mind about kidneys. Thanks to my old man for the recipe. Best served...
As far as mint sauces go, I love experimenting with new ideas, especially around Easter time, and I really liked how this came out. The combination of...
As far as mint sauces go, I love experimenting with new ideas, especially around Easter time, and I really liked how this came out. The combination of...
Slow roasting a lamb shoulder is a lot less stressful than trying to achieve perfection with a leg of lamb. And, if you like shredded beef and pulled pork,...
This is a delicious dish you that is impressive enough to serve at dinner parties but simple enough to make for your family. Tender lamb steaks combine...
This is a delicious dish you that is impressive enough to serve at dinner parties but simple enough to make for your family. Tender lamb steaks combine...
This is a rack of lamb dish with rosemary and mint demi-glace. Serve with oven roasted red potatoes and sauteed green beans amandine. Perfect for Valentine's...
Garlic and lemon invigorate the familiar pairing of succulentroasted rack of lamb and mint in an intense marinadethat infuses the meat overnight. The fresh...
In this rack of lamb recipe, we're actually roasting the meat over the sauce. And not just any sauce: we spiked this beurre rouge (red wine butter sauce)...
This is the number one, all-around favorite in my household. It literally translates to beans and rice, but it is, oh, so much more than that. See notes...
This is a delicious dish you that is impressive enough to serve at dinner parties but simple enough to make for your family. Tender lamb steaks combine...
Make this holiday season one to remember when you add this recipe for Rosemary-Crusted Rack of Lamb to the menu! Fresh herbs and Dijon mustard are combined...
I made this special mutton leg roast recipe that is filled with tender, juicy, finger-licking taste to enjoy with your family and add cheer to your festive...
I love how the sweet, herbaceous crust works with the subtly gamey meat. Lamb is obviously a popular Easter menu option and this mint-crusted rack of lamb...
This is the number one, all-around favorite in my household. It literally translates to beans and rice, but it is, oh, so much more than that. See notes...
In this rack of lamb recipe, we're actually roasting the meat over the sauce. And not just any sauce: we spiked this beurre rouge (red wine butter sauce)...
After searching everywhere for a recipe to recreate this amazing dish I tried at a Middle Eastern restaurant. I decided to try and make this myself. Though...
I call this Dale's Lamb because my late mother-in-law, Dale, gave me this recipe. Everyone who's ever tried this likes it, even my mom, who didn't care...
Sunday roasts and summer are two of my favorite things. But when it's too hot outside, the last thing you want is a full roast with gravy and all the trimmings....
I love how the sweet, herbaceous crust works with the subtly gamey meat. Lamb is obviously a popular Easter menu option and this mint-crusted rack of lamb...
This dish is perfect for a Sephardic Passover celebration. Sour oranges are preferred in this dish, but are sometimes hard to find. You can substitute...
This recipe is great on the grill. Dad uses a grill pan, and cooks according to oven directions. Usually the ham is in the oven so the grill works for...